Upcoming events.

Give Greater Allen County

Give Greater Allen County

Give Greater Allen County is a one-day, 12-hour initiative that fosters individual philanthropy in Allen County, Indiana and hosted by the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne. During this day of giving, we'll use the power of community to encourage individuals and businesses to support the nonprofits and causes they're passionate about and who make impact in our community each and every day. Together, our donations will address the needs of the community by providing financial resources that affect lasting change.


We need your help to keep this work going. Please join our campaign and help us reach our goal of $10,000 and 50 new Women’s Fund members! If you are able, we’re asking you to make a plan to:

Make a Gift on top of your membership to support the work in our focus areas

Invite Your Network: share the fund with people you know who are passionate about supporting women and ask them to become members

Share Your Why: Post why you are a Women’s Fund member on Give Greater and tag us at @womensfundf

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Equal Pay Day Luncheon

Equal Pay Day Luncheon

Join the Women's Fund on Equal Pay Day as we release the first-ever Allen County Women in the Workplace Report. This report highlights where women stand in our local workforce when it comes to leadership, compensation, flexible work environments, and equitable hiring practices. Local employers who are leading the way to support women in the workplace will be recognized. The Women's Fund will also highlight opportunities for growth and improvement in our local workforce.

Accessible parking and entrance can be accessed from the main parking lot. If you need translation services or other further accommodations, please contact Cassie Beer at 260-969-3312 by March 1st. Vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free luncheon options will also be available.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event, reach out to Cassie Beer at cbeer@cfgfw.org to receive more information.

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Legislative Session Preview

Legislative Session Preview

Join us for a Members-Only event: our annual Legislative Session Preview with Women4Change CEO Rima Shahid. Come hear what we can expect in this year’s session when it comes to legislation dealing with women’s economic security, personal safety, and the lives of young women and girls. Rima will share what Women4Change has been working on, with discussion time to follow.

Light refreshments will be available. Elevator access to the lower level and ample parking is available at the Community Foundation. If you require additional accessibility accommodations, please contact Cassie Beer by November 2nd (cbeer@cfgfw.org).

Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/legislative-session-preview-tickets-423678843827

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No Matter What Sticker Distribution
to May 21

No Matter What Sticker Distribution

  • Women's Fund of Greater Fort Wayne (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We invite Women’s Fund Members to help us deliver No Matter What stickers to local business, schools, and restaurants! We will meet at the Community Foundation at the start of your time slot to give you a packet including your assigned locations, the stickers to deliver, and a letter for each location explaining the initiative. 

If you would like to sign up to deliver stickers go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f44aaab29a1f8c52-womens

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No Matter What Press Conference

No Matter What Press Conference

In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we are releasing a new website acting as that quick, accessible, centralized resource. Please join us as we announce the new website and how you can get involved.

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